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Wrench Organizers
Socket Organizers
Screwdriver Organizers
Plier Organizers
Peg Boards
Premium Drawer Liners
Tool Mats
Mechanic Soap
ToolBox Widget was founded , invented and created by an active duty U.S. Marine combat veteran (2001-2006) that served in Iraq in 2005 for 8 months as an 0842 Counter Battery Radar/Mortar. After the Marines he used is G.I. Bill and became an FAA certified aircraft mechanic (A&P) and a FAA certified commercial helicopter pilot with instrument and CFI and CFII (Flight Instructor).
Being an aircraft mechanic for both helicopter and jets he understands what it takes to stay organized, be fast and how important an organized tool box is. Being a former Marine he understands leadership, dedication and has the deep drive to push ToolBox Widget to its full potential. He is also part of several veteran non profit groups Bunker Labs/Seattle and Entrepreneur Boot Camp for Veterans (EBV).
However, it takes a team and the ToolBox Widget team is top notch. They compromise of family, other veterans and their spouses. All this could not be possible with them. They deserve all the credit and togeter we will make great things happen. Day in and day out they help and make ToolBox widget what it is. A huge thank you to all of them and you.
If it wasn't for our customer we would not be anything but an idea. We know that and we do appreciate every one of you. If you call us with a problem, we will actually listen and correct it asap. We also try to give back to the mechanics and technicians as much as we can. We hope to do great things in the future and with your help. Got a way we can, send us an email or call and we will listen.
Pictures and bios coming soon!!